La Couturière's Library

In my library, you can find books that I have perused and/or own (so that can tell you about their strengths and weaknesses) as well as books that have been recommended to me, or that caught my attention in a library catalogue, but which I've never read. Not every book in this list is good! The critiques I have enclosed reflect my personal opinion of them.


Within each section, books are sorted by the author's last name or by era first, then by author.

My Library Subsections:
(by subject)

Patterns and Construction Information
usually covering multiple eras

General History of Costume
grouped by era

Textile Design and Ethnic Costume
fabrics, embroidery etc; Asian and Bavarian

Sociology of Fashion and Clothing
on the social "meaning" of clothing

Costume Flicks
historical dramas

More books are listed on the Sources page, but those are, for the most part, antiquarian, at public libraries, or not directly related to costume.

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MORE FINE PRINT: The comments and ratings reflect my personal opinion of the book in question, based on the edition that I own, have borrowed from the library or simply thumbed through. If you order a book, you may get a different edition with more or less different properties. I can't take any responsibility for that, of course. Same goes for the thumbnail images of the cover: Yours may be different.



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