Sewing Patterns 1874-1879
The left link leads to the pattern, middle to instructions; pictures of the
finished garment to the right. Up to 1877, measurements are in inches, whereas
the later patterns are in centimetres.
Don't print patterns from the browser! Instructions on enlarging
on Resizing page.
Winter Dolman, January 1874 |
instructions |
finished |
Jacket-Waist with Under-vest, February 1874 |
instructions |
finished |
Cashmere Jacket, March 1874 |
instructions |
finished |
Waistcoat-bodice for Demi-toilette, April 1874 |
instructions |
finished |
Mantelet, May 1874 |
instructions |
finished |
Princess Beatrice Corsage, July 1874 |
instructions |
finished |
Casaque of Cloth, September 1874 |
instructions |
finished |
Duchess Paletot, March 1877 |
instructions |
finished |
Redingote for deshabille, April 1877 |
instructions |
finished |
"Directoire" habit bodice, June 1877 |
instructions |
finished |
Breton Jacket, Sugust 1877 |
instructions |
finished |
Breton tunic, September 1877 |
instructions |
finished |
Windsor Pelisse, October 1877 |
instructions |
finished |
Skirt with train balayeuse, July 1877 |
instructions |
finished |
Fichu Mantelet, November 1877 |
instructions |
finished |
"costume riche", summer 1878 |
instructions |
finished (middle) |
toilette de promenade, summer 1878 |
instructions |
finished (left) |
taille with tails, winter 1879 |
instructions |
sorry! |
soirée dress for little girl, winter 1879 |
instructions |
finished (right) |
ball gown for young lady, winter 1879 |
instructions |
finished (middle) |
young girl's soirée dress, winter 1879 |
instructions |
finished (left) |
I'd LOVE to get feedback about costumes
you've created using these patterns. Please tell me how you managed, let me
know any hints I should include in instructions, and maybe even send a picture!
I guarantee that I will only use it to satisfy my personal curiosity, but never
publish it unless you expressly consent.
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