New and Improved, 1894
A collection of novelties and items of everyday life advertised in
a 1894/95 magazine: What they found normal back then is nowadays
curiosities. "I never thought they had something like that back then!"
is one of the reactions when reading the magazine, or "So that's what
it was like!" It's a wonderful resource for spying upon the lifestyle
of a century past to an extent even the best historical film or book
cannot provide - because they all leave out life's "little" things.
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A visit from Auntie ...
What did a lady do before Serena and Always Ultra came out? Did they put
on nappies? Well, in a way they did... There were various models, fixed
with a belt which often had a rubber "cradle" for the napkin. The one in
this ad claims to be better than the cheap wood-wool varieties because it
doesn't get stiff, lasts a whole day, can easily buttoned onto the belt...
it is filled with sphagnum moss, also used to dress wounds.
Life is one of the hardest
The latest improved speed-washing machine. Within 1/4 hour, it washes
40-50 small pieces or 15 shirts neater, cleaner and whiter than you can
wash by hand in 1/4 day. For all fabrics, easy to handle, saves soap and fuel.
Kitchen novelty
Patented and awarded the silver medal the universal power whisk.
Stiff cream in only half an hour... Prosepectus free.
The ultimate sewing machine
12 million Singer sewing machines are in use, over 300 awards.
The new family model, the high-armed Vibrating Shuttle
machine, has again, like all the other products of this
manufacturer, proven to be a succes. It is well constructed,
easy to use and peerless in performance.
Let there be light
Whoever could afford it already had gas or electric lamps, but these
were static whereas petroleum lamps could be carried around. The different
kind of light the flames cast ("Electric light is so cold!") may have
helped to save the petroleum lamp from extinction.
Have a break - have a bath
If you want to take a full or steam bath at home, order the improved
heatable bathing chair. Coal for only 5 Pf. gets you a full bath.
Get connected
Not yet internet enabled... Invented in 1861 and made suitable for
transferring language in 1876, the telephone remained a status symbol
well into the 20th century. In 1897, there were 149,000 telephones in
Germany - that's less than 0.3% of the population, and most were probably
owned by companies.
Baby racer
For the socially aware mother who wants to present her offspring
elegantly on the promenade... no, this was not the ad text. Just my thoughts. :)
Greetings from Balconia
I couldn't find the description right now; the magazine is too fragile to
handle it much. As soon as I have the time to browse page by page it'll be delivered.
You need a cup of my Java
This automatic coffee machine will make coffee all by itself,
without danger of explosion. Easy cleaning of all parts.
Also suitable for keeping coffee warm.
Fresh butter every day
will be made within a few minutes from the collected cream
of the daily coffee milk with this household butter maker. High savings
guaranteed. Extra strong, highly elegant model with nickel-plated
top also available.
Hold it!
Patented universal bandages help preventing and healing the afflictions
during and after preganacy. (It seems the bellies of women who spent most
of their lives in corsets weren't trusted to be able to hold the weight without help.)
Hot stuff
Don't marry without acquiring an iron with heat material
which will enable you to iron cleanly and without break,
stove fire and harmful coal dust. With each iron we deliver
a heating device and a pair of tongs free.
The heat is on
Recommended for gas cooking as it saves space and fuel. Cooking with steam
has already found wide acceptance, and this pot lets you cook three dishes
at once. The lowest pot holds the water, the next, for meat, is hung into
it, and the two other pots for vegetables and potatoes are placed on top.
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